Signs of a harmonious relationship in marriage

You know what it takes to make your partner feel loved
Some people feel loved when their partner brings them a cup of coffee in the morning. Some need their spouse to tell them how beautiful and charming they look. Others demand a hug. The bottom line is that we each have different marriage values when it comes to giving and receiving love.

A sense of one’s own attractiveness is a life force as important as anything else. That person who ignites you from within, boosting your self-esteem, is definitely your guardian angel.”

You two are quite different, but in the main you are similar.
They say opposites attract, and at first that may be true, but it doesn’t necessarily predict long-term relationships. In fact, the strongest relationships are those that are built on the similarity of core values and beliefs. It’s okay to have different interests or like different movies, but it’s important that the core values of family and marriage (e.g., views on money, the importance of religion, or how to raise children) are the things that hold people together for the long haul.

Your family and friends approve of your relationship
No matter what, your family’s approval of your partner matters. A high level of social support from your family and friends is crucial to a happy marriage. “Your friends and family often have a more objective view of your partner than you do,” he said. “And their support can be invaluable after marriage. We know that couples who have parents, relatives and friends who support them as a couple are more likely to have long-term relationships.”