Criteria for harmonious marriage
The harmony of a marriage is primarily determined by the spouses themselves, by how comfortable they are with each other in the relationship. Mutual respect, acceptance, and understanding are also important. And an interesting criterion is the ability to develop the relationship. A harmonious marriage is impossible without development. If people somehow interfere with each other, put pressure, delay growth and development (also one of the types of competition), it is already a disharmonious marriage.

Development is necessary for partners to continue to be interesting for each other, not to get bored with each other, not to have a feeling of a read book. If people develop, fill up all the time with something new and share it with each other, the feeling of novelty will not disappear and there will be no desire to look for this novelty somewhere on the side.

Respecting boundaries in marriage gives that sense of comfort and security. In many families or pre-marital relationships, boundary violations occur. What does this mean? It means that one begins to exert excessive control over the other. A boundary violation is an invasion and abuse of the other person’s personal psychological territory.

Another harmonious marriage is not a conflict-free marriage, as it might seem, but one where they know how to resolve conflicts: they know how to talk about their feelings, know how to hear the other side and understand it, are willing to compromise – i.e. move towards each other. And the skillful resolution of conflicts requires all those qualities and skills which we have already talked about and will continue to talk about.