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There are five aspects that define a great union and are present in a relationship.

Mutual respect. This is one of the fundamental conditions for a strong union between a man and a woman. If one partner is not ready or not willing to accept the other as he is, to accept his flaws and peculiarities, a good family will not work.


Willingness to talk frankly with your partner. Ability to find common topics of conversation, interest in something other – an important condition. But even more important is the ability and willingness to listen and hear your loved one. 

Feeling and being one team. This is expressed both in the distribution of duties around the house, and sincere care for each other, and a sense of being one. 


Sense of humor. In harmonious relations it is good not only to admire each other’s abilities, but also to joke about disadvantages, easily and with a positive experience of adversity.

Trust. In a couple where there is no absolute trust in each other, there is no happy future. 


Hello, my name is Katya. You can find me and other beautiful Ukrainian women here!